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21 februari, 1999
Thailand no 622 Bangkok 2000 World Youth Stamp Exhibitin and 13th Asian International Stamp Exhibition Commemorative Stamps (1st Series) Date of Issue 30 maart 1999 (Stamps and FDC)
Korea Aerogram 400 Won. Date of Issue March 1996
Ghana Walt disney: Mickey and Friends. Date of Isue 1998?
Grenada Walt Disney: Ben and me
Turks Cyprus Europa 1989
I have to Change
Israel Denemarken Duitsland DPR Korea
Australie 1 Australie 2 Suriname Turkije
Australie 3 Thailand Hargrave India
Zweden Aruba 1988 Aruba 1990 Suriname
Ned. Ant. Dieppe Aruba Portugal