Hans Ibelings, Hans van Dijk, Bart Lootsma, Ton Verstegen (editors)
Architecture in the Netherlands - Yearbook 1997-1998
Publisher: NAi Publishers
Design: Joseph Plateau
Illustrated (colour and b/w), Paperback, 176 pages, Text in English and Dutch,
ISBN 90-5662-079-7, NLG 87,50
After ten years the yearbook has been given a new look, though we have naturally retained the wealth of visual material. We have continued the line of the previous yearbook, which contained more projects and several large-scale urban development operations. This year the editors have selected projects by the following firms of architects: Wiel Arets, BDG Architecten, Ben van Berkel, Pi de Bruijn, Kees Christiaanse, Claus & Kaan, Jo Coenen, Gunnar Daan, Dirrix van Wylick, Erick van Egeraat, Ellerman , Lucas, Van Vugt, Herman Hertzberger, Karelse Van der Meer, Rob Ligtvoet, Bjarne Mastenbroek, Mecanoo, MVRDV, Willem Jan Neutelings, Maurice Nio, Nox/Oosterhuis, OMA, Dirk Jan Postel en Zwarts & Jansma.
The yearbook also includes full-length reports on Schiphol (Amsterdam Airport), large inner city shopping centres, informal urban planning and other subjects. Three articles deal with architecture in the media, the recent furore of Dutch architecture abroad and, in anticipation of a flood of Vinexwijken, the new residential neighbourhood, including examples like the GWL site and the renovation of the Bijlmer, both in Amsterdam, Westerpark in Breda, and Zenderpark in IJsselstein. The yearbook is rounded off with Appointments, Events, Competitions and Mutiple Commissions, Prizes, Exhibitions and Literature.
The press about the Yearbook
Hans Ibelings: We aren't a jury that assesses all architecture. We make the book with an enthusiasm for all the beautiful projects that have been built. It's a concise summary of extraordinary things that have happened. Buying the Architecture Yearbook keeps you in touch with what's happening. It's an annual architectural treat.
[Interview by Joep Habets, 1998]
Ibelings charts the most important design themes that have determined the appearance of architecture in the twentieth century.
[Het Financieel Dagblad, 1998]
Das Jahrbuch des niederländischen Architekturinstituts in Rotterdam zählt - trotz der grassierenden Jahrbuch-Schwemme - immer noch den bestebn Publikationen dieser Art.
[Architektur Aktuell 1998]