Hans Ibelings, Hans van Dijk, Bart Lootsma, Ton Verstegen (editors)
Architecture in the Netherlands - Yearbook 1998-1999
Publisher: NAi Publishers
Design: Joseph Plateau
Paperback, 160 pages, illustrated (colour and b/w), text in Dutch and English
ISBN 90-5662-115-7, NLG 87.50
Architecture in the Netherlands is a selection of 1998's most notable architecture. The book includes works by Bedaux de Brouwer, Benthem Crouwel, Neutelings Riedijk, West 8, DKV, Kees Christiaanse, Meyer & Van Schooten, Liesbeth van der Pol, de architectengroep (Van Gameren Mastenbroek), Behnisch & Partners, Dirrix van Wylick, Herman Hertzberger, Rudy Uytenhaak, Claus & Kaan, Geurst & Schulze, Charles Vandenhove, Ben van Berkel and Molenaar & Van Winden. Apart from work carried out in the Netherlands, this year the annual also contains details of two special projects undertaken by Dutch architects outside the country, a villa in Bordeaux by OMA and industrial accommodation for YKK in Kurobe, Japan.
The annual's editors provide essays on the architecture of the Netherlands' most prosperous locations, the development of infrastructural intersections, unplanned housing and all its relatively planned variants and the visible influence of computerisation on architecture. The annual also includes an analysis by Adri Duivesteijn, PvdA member of the Dutch Parliament, of VINEX districts in the Netherlands.
The press about the Yearbook
Hans Ibelings: We aren't a jury that assesses all architecture. We make the book with an enthusiasm for all the beautiful projects that have been built. It's a concise summary of extraordinary things that have happened. Buying the Architecture Yearbook keeps you in touch with what's happening. It's an annual architectural treat.
[Interview by Joep Habets, 1998]
Ibelings charts the most important design themes that have determined the appearance of architecture in the twentieth century.
[Het Financieel Dagblad, 1998]
Das Jahrbuch des niederländischen Architekturinstituts in Rotterdam zählt - trotz der grassierenden Jahrbuch-Schwemme - immer noch den bestebn Publikationen dieser Art.
[Architektur Aktuell 1998]