[LT] vs [-DI-]

A Win for LT
27th Feb 2000
Map1 : Well
[LT] Score Map2 : 210
[-DI-] Score Map2 : 60
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Map2 : 2Fort
[LT] Score Map1 : 230
[-DI-] Score Map1 : 20
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Our Man of Match : [LT]Captain Haddock
Their Man of Match : [-DI-]Unknown

Match comments :

Well today's Games saw LT face up with [-DI-]Damage Inc. There were a few problems at the start of the match namely getting all of the [DI] Players to turn up. Luckily we had the server for as long as needed so as long as it didn't run over 10pm (GMT) we where happy as we had another game then. Some of the clan got a little frustrated and decided to have a private game in this time but credit where its due [LT]Flaming-Moe won the [LT]Spam war. Shame we didn't have him spamming against [WASTED] back in 1905 :P

Then the big day the match started, The First Match was The Well. This started off in the normal fashion I hopped skipped and jumped into the Well room built my gun in a quick time type fashion then dropped from the server :( I was a little annoyed at not only this but then not being able to get back in really began to kick the arse out of it. I got back to find they had capped and was a little peeved at WON authentication, My ISP, The Server, God and [WASTED] :) Things in defence never really settled down after that playing in a bad mood helped not a jot. Anyways thanks to great [LT] attack we won the day.

The second map was 2Fort. Things didn't seem to go right for me on this level either, I was having a bad hair day. Luckily the rest of [LT] did good and held them away from the Flag. Every time I built my gun one of them evil Sentry Gun killing [-DI-] guys ran around the corner and killed poor Betsey. She got a real complex about it.

All in all well played both teams [LT] Held off a good [-DI-] Attack, which unfortunately for them wasn't followed up when we were most vulnerable. Again the [LT] Attack had its shit together in a big way. We took the flag and the match.
([LT]Chucky_M - ICQ - Email)