Collection Red Cross

Materials the Netherlands

Dutch Version

Since 1980 I am a volunteer with the Dutch Red Cross, section Geleen e.o.

Since this time I collect everything that does matter the Red Cross. I own already a hugh collection of Red Cross materials. This collection matters national as well as international materials. My collection is very big and because of that I want to raise a foundation. With this foundation there will be a permanent exposition.

Now I already organise some expositions in the Netherlands. This expositions are also possible for foreign countries. For some information about this you can always contact me.

I collect everything concerning the Red Cross worldwide. If there are sections, people or hospitals who want to collect some stuff, please don't be shy, contact me.

The goal of my collection is to archive, restaurate and expose my stuff at expositions.

If you have something that might interest me, please let me know. Suggestions are always welcome.

Look at a part of my collection

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