Chains is a project I am working on right now. The first part was published

in West Side Stories number one in beautiful Hawaii were I spend a year. So, currently I am busy with

part two. Basically it is about this guy who gets beaten up real bad one night, wakes up and realizes he

is prisoner to some kind of machine which takes care of his circulation since his legs are gone.

Well, it is

kinda bloody (especially the second part) so I recommend it for "mature" readers. Oh, if you are a

publisher and interested in my stuff please contact me. I will send samples(anywhere in the world!).

And for all you other people like me: I am also working on a comic lettering font (hey, if Comicraft

can, I can too!) and I am gonna give it away for free! So check back to the fonts section every once

in a while. I would also like to get in contact with people who think they know a real good story for

a comic (I need a writer, dammit!). If you are drawing or writing your own comic book and you

want me to draw a story, a pin-up, or a cover just contact me. Now that you got interested in

chains e-mail me and I'll put you on my waiting list for part two (it will include part one as well).




© Christoph Mueller 1997