www.cuci.nl/~e-amac - Cross-Cultural Management Researchers


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E-AMARC mission is promoting "the awareness and acknowledgment of culture dimensions for appropriate management and sustainable development" through research, training and consulting.


Since the establishment of E-AMARC, it has gained the recognition of being one of the distinguished management and development consultants specialized in training upper and middle management in the effects of cultural values on management practices in different socio-cultural environments. E-AMARC provides the cultural appraisal methodology for development projects, indigenous development policy evaluation, implementation and management.

Our Resource Capacity

The E-AMARC and its Partner Centres staff members and associates have disciplinary background in management and behavioral sciences, and share interest in and concern for public and private sector business policy management. All members of staff and associates seek to combine closeness to the world of practical realities with critical insights from the world of scholarship theory. Apart from the members of the Centres, we can also draw upon the insights and services of colleagues in the Universities and upon partners with other public and private organizations locally and internationally.

Request for more information and delivery of any of the above mentioned programs should be addressed to:

The Executive Director

Euro-African Management Research Centre (E-AMARC), Hyacinthenstraat 23 6214 TC Maastricht The Netherlands. Tel: +31 43 3431497 Fax: +31 43 3431497/3260203 E-mail: e-amac@cuci.nl

The Director

Euro-Zanzibar Centre for Business Research and Development, Faculty of Business Administration, Zanzibar University, PO Box 2440 Zanzibar-Tanzania Tel: +255 811602784 or +255 54 232642 Fax: +255 811338174 E-mail: zanvarsity@zitec.org

The Director

Centre for Small Business Research and Development, Faculty of Commerce, University of Zimbabwe, PO Box MP 167 Mount Pleasant, Harare-Zimbabwe. Tel: +263 4 303211 ext. 1515/1302 Fax: +263 4 333674 E-mail: hmukwenha@esanet.zw

The Director

Centre for African Entrepreneurship Research and Development (CAERD), Faculty of Commerce, University of Nairobi PO Box 30197 Nairobi-Kenya Tel: +254 2 217441/334244 Fax: +254 2 224457 f.kibera@uonbi.ac.ke

Send mail to e-amac@cuci.nl with questions about E-AMARC Programs or comments about this web site.

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